Friday, September 16, 2011

Moving with a baby

My little sweetheart is getting big niw and around new years we expect (but aren't betting on it) her to be crawling at least. Where we live now has an exposed furnace in our dining room. And around late spring time a lady moved in above us and had a leaky washer. Long story short it leaked through our ceiling and into our bathroom so now we have mold in our celling and separating wall :(. I-nor any other parent for that would want or are their child access to these living conditions. So with this move comes baseboard ventilating systems and a mold free bathroom. And its beautiful nonetheless. Now the big question, how do you move while taking care of a2 1/2 month old baby? I love her to death but worrying about feeding, changing, napping, and just watching her on top of loading a truck unloading and caring up a flight of stairs just doesn't sound plausible. Well I will keep you updated on this new found dilemma when it arises I guess. Ttfn

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Life with my Allie

Being a ndw mommy to a beautiful little girl may be both very rewarding and devastatingly exhausting. My daughter is now 2 months old now and she can have crabby days and giggly cuddly days. Some days I wish I could get my couple minutes alone and the times I do get that little bit of down time I wish I could have her in my arms telling her stories and trying to teach her new things. I love seeing her react to new things we play with her. I just wish I had some 'real' help here with me. Okay well my fiancé helps financially but physically its usually all me. I love him and our daughter so much but I  wish he would just step up just a little more. He expects me to be wonder woman, and yes I understand he works 40 hours in  a week and he thinks I dont do anything all day. But being a mom is a 24/7 job.